
Mail Services

澳门葡京博彩软件邮件服务, 位于校园中心的花园层, 处理所有学生, 教职员工邮件服务.


Note: Mail and packages come in bulk and need to be sorted. 邮件/包裹可能需要48-72小时才能送达,或视乎寄存柜的空间而定. 我们感谢您这次的耐心等待.

注:夏季工作时间将于 6/10 最后一天将会是 8/9. 我们的工作时间是: 星期一至星期五上午8点.m. to 4:30 p.m. 星期六至星期日休息.




周一至周五:上午9点.m.–6 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m.–1 p.m., 2–5 p.m.



周一至周五:上午10点.m.–4 p.m.


学生的信件和包裹将被装入校园中心的邮件服务处的储物柜. 对于无法装入储物柜的物品, 学生可以到邮件服务处去取包裹.

学生将能够在校园中心开放时间内从储物柜或取件柜台取回信件和包裹.  一旦他们的物品登录到我们的跟踪系统,学生将收到一封电子邮件通知,如果加载到储物柜,则会收到另一封电子邮件.

Yes. 邮件服务可以接受退货,只要他们已经有预付运费标签. Mail services cannot take a return that has a QR code, those will have to be brought directly to the shipper.

Can I mail out items or purchase stamps from Mail Services?
Yes. The retail window is open Monday through Friday 10am to 4pm. Mail services can ship items out using USPS, UPS, and FedEx. 邮政服务也提供各种运输用品出售,包括信封, stamps, boxes, 包装材料.

When should I ship my personal belongings to Smith?
学生应在到达澳门葡京博彩软件前5天内将材料寄来. 例如,如果您的到达日期是8月15日,请在8月10日之前发货.

Can I get my mail or packages if I am in isolation or quarantine?
No. 在抵达或学期期间被隔离或隔离的学生将无法在此期间从邮件服务中取回邮件. 因为情有可原, 比如接受处方药, students can call customer service at x2400 or enter a work order at smith.metabim.com for assistance.

Packages are allowed 5 days in the locker before they expire. 一旦包裹过期, 然后我们将重新加载到相同的储物柜中,然后您将收到一封新的电子邮件. 包在寄存柜中最多可以过期3次,然后才会被移除并保存在邮件服务中. 当这种情况发生时, 邮件服务将直接发邮件通知您包裹已从寄存柜中取出.

如果学生被隔离或隔离,并且有物品等待从储物柜中取出, 请发邮件给邮件服务,他们将从储物柜中取出物品并将其存储在邮件服务中,直到学生被清理干净,他们才能来领取物品.

Will I be able to receive perishable items at Smith?
Yes, 易腐烂的包裹在登录时将被标记为“易腐烂和紧急”,并将立即装入储物柜供学生提取.

不可以,住在校外的学生应该把邮件寄到他们的校外地址. Students can email their updated address by sending an email to registrar@taoscabin.com. 教职员工:邮件将每天送到正常的投递地点. 发出的校园邮件每天都会被收取, it will be metered and go out the same day if received before 3:30pm. 如果部门有特殊的邮寄需求,是紧急性质的,或希望协调邮寄, 请与Anthony Staszko联系 astaszko@taoscabin.com for assistance.

Our Staff

For Students

Receiving Mail & Packages

学生邮件,包括包裹,从储物柜邮箱或取件柜台取件. 通知电子邮件让学生知道是否从储物柜邮箱或柜台领取他们的物品. 当邮件/包裹过多时, 学生们在柜台时间从取件处取件. 学生们也可以在把包裹装进箱子之前到柜台要求领取. 在交通高峰期, 比如新学年的开始, packages take a day to sort due to the extraordinary volume. When ordering items or providing your box number to parents and friends, 请提供正确的箱号. Mail Services receives many packages with incorrect box numbers. 当邮件/包裹的信箱号码不正确时,它会减慢分拣过程.  

当学生收到邮件/包裹时,他们将收到来自储物柜邮箱系统电子邮件地址的通知电子邮件 MailLocker@taoscabin.com. 请不要回复 MailLocker@taoscabin.com email address. If you have questions and want to contact Mail Services, please email 或致电413-585-4156.

电子邮件将包含储物柜银行号码(1), 2, 3, 4或5)和一个一次性使用的密码,用于在kiosk打开储物柜. When retrieving your item(s) from the locker mail box, please remove your item(s) and gently close the locker. 当您收到另一件物品时,储物柜将通过电子邮件发送新的储物柜银行和密码给您.

For mail/packages to reach you, they must be addressed as follows:

[Your Name]
Smith College
1 Chapin Way, Unit Number
北安普顿,MA 01063

在信封或包装上写上正确的盒子号码是非常重要的. 邮政服务部收到了数量过多的包裹,但盒子号码错误. 不正确的箱号会大大延误收到邮件和包裹的时间.

Returning students, your mailbox number is the same as last year. New students, you have been assigned a mailbox number.

接收邮件或包裹, you will need to provide your mailbox number as an identifier, 尽管它现在是一个“虚拟”邮箱.

请记住,大多数书商使用Media Mail邮寄类发送书籍. 媒体邮件可以 up to two weeks for delivery or two-eight business days.

  • All packages will be delivered through Mail Services
  • 邮件/包裹分拣后,你可在取件处提供你的单位编号取件.
  • Mail/packages will also be put in the electronic mail lockers. you will receive an email when your items are put in a locker.
  • 包裹不得无人认领. 邮件服务无法存储包.
  • 地址写错的邮件会延误投递.
  • 邮件服务不接受需要签名的限制递送服务的包裹,收件人为21岁或以上.  需要签名的物品是酒精, cigarettes, 枪支、弹药, 和高价值的物品.

IMPORTANT NOTE: 如果你在校外的话, 请通知银行, 期刊订阅, 朋友和家人,并提供你的新地址或永久家庭住址. 请提前与杂志和报纸出版商联系,因为地址更改通常需要四周的时间才能实施.

Mail Types
  • 第一类邮件(信件、银行对账单等.)
    美国地址:邮政服务将把所有头等邮件转发到您的永久记录地址, if within the U.S. If you wish to have your mail forwarded to an alternative U.S. address please provide that information to Mail Services via email.

    It is the student’s responsibility to utilize the U.S. 从永久地址搬迁时,邮政服务的“更改地址”表格.


  • Standard Mail (Magazines, Newspapers, Catalogs, Etc.)
    Standard mail will not be forwarded and is recycled. It is the student’s responsibility to contact magazine, newspaper, catalog subscription service to provide their change of address.
  • Packages
    所有包裹将被退回给寄件人. 学生负责与所有目录和在线供应商(亚马逊)更新送货地址, L.L. Bean, eBay, etc.)
  • 毕业生可以要求将他们的头等邮件转发六个月.

Mail Services wants to help the college be as sustainable as possible. 如果可能,请使用无纸化计费或选择退出目录邮件列表. 如果无纸化账单不是一种选择, 请把你的月结和账单寄到你的永久居住地, not Smith. This will help cut down on the unnecessary monthly items sent to Smith.

Many graduating students complete forwarding mail address forms. 这将暂时转发学生邮件,直到学生联系所有发件人并更新他们的邮件信息.

临时转发邮件是一项在学生毕业后不会无限期延长的服务. 您有责任联系寄件人,通知他们您的地址变更.

美国邮政总局提供了一个 转发邮件的在线服务 to your new permanent or temporary mailing address.

请注意,美国邮政总局不承认澳门葡京博彩软件的01063邮政编码. Using the 01060 ZIP code when filling out the USPS online form.

For Faculty & Staff

私人邮件或私人包裹: 个人邮件及包裹可带到邮递服务零售窗口处理.

Payment Method: 邮件服务接受现金、支票或校园现金. College business may charged to a department's org.

部门间退款方式: 邮政服务向组织收取邮资订购表格,并随邮件一起提交. If a Postage Order Form is not provided to Mail Services with the mail, 然后,信封上的回信地址用于收费部门的默认组织.

如果没有使用邮资订购表格,并且信封上没有澳门葡京博彩软件部门的回信地址, 然后邮政服务有权打开信封,以确定一个部门收费.

邮费追踪: 邮政服务邮资订购表格是追踪邮费的唯一方法. If your department opts not to use Postage Order Forms, then Mail Services cannot substantiate your department's postal charges.

Campus Mail vs. Outgoing Mail: Please keep outgoing mail separate from campus mail. The campus mail is for delivering official college communications. 你系的邮件要由学院的邮车来取,这超过了5桶, letter trays, box or 50 lb. 限,一定要有专人接送. To arrange for a special pick-up, please submit a work order to Facilities Management via Teamworks.

一级邮资邮件: This service is used for Smith College business correspondence. 邮件服务不会处理任何私人邮件. 任何可以邮寄的澳门葡京博彩软件商业项目都可以通过一级邮件发送. This includes postcards, letters, large envelopes and packages. Any piece over 13 ounces will be sent as priority mail.

一级邮件: 头等邮件的处理方式与头等邮件相同,但以折扣率处理.

  • For a mailing to qualify for first class presort service, the mailing must meet the minimum of 500 identical pieces.
  • The entire mailing must be in sequential zip code order, 从最低到最高, 在邮件托盘里, 发送到邮件服务之前.

非营利,标准,图书馆 & 媒体率邮件: 这些是主要用于书籍的各种折扣率邮寄选项, magazines, 通讯和生产(大量)邮件. Departments can obtain substantial savings by using any of these options.

  • 提前计划好你的邮件,留出几天的时间让邮件到达目的地, 与更昂贵的头等舱相比.
  • 非营利性或生产(批量)邮件的自动化最低要求为200件.

Nonprofit: 使用非营利性费率的资格是基于邮件内容的资格. 被归类为非营利性标准邮件的邮件必须符合生产邮件的一般标准.

  • 禁止和限制:非营利组织不允许邮寄促销材料, 适用于信用卡, 以及商业保险和旅行安排的宣传材料.

Media Mail: Media Mail service is a cost efficient way to mail books, 录音, CD's, DVD's, 印刷音乐. 媒体邮件中除附带的图书宣传外,不得有广告. 这项服务的最大重量是70磅.

Library Mail: 此服务只适用于从学术机构借阅或邮寄的资料, 公共图书馆, museums, 和其他有资格的组织.

  • 内容仅限于书籍、录音、学术论文和其他特定项目.
  • The name of the school or nonprofit organization must show in the address, 或每件邮件的回邮地址.

Certified Mail & Return Receipt: 这项服务为您提供邮寄收据和快递单号.

Registered Mail: 这项服务为贵重物品提供最大的保障,尤其适用于海外邮寄.

Express Mail: 这项服务提供隔夜送达到美国境内许多目的地的服务. Express mail is delivered to many locations 365 days a year.

Priority Mail: 优先邮件是一种加急服务. It is usually two to three days for delivery, though there is no guarantee. 任何重量超过13盎司的邮件都需要优先邮件.

  • 邮政服务运送许多不同大小的优先邮件信封和盒子. 请随时打电话询问是否有空.

Mail Services collaborates with UMass Amherst for production mail jobs. 制作邮寄表格及邮寄资料仍须送交邮政服务.

  • 如果马萨诸塞大学邮件中心有任何问题,他们可以直接与您联系.
  • 我们的目标是在收到所有工作材料后48小时内处理所有地址工作.
  • Please allow a 48 to 72 hour processing lead time for all addressing jobs.
  • 用Excel电子表格(通过电子邮件发送)和生产邮寄表格向邮件服务提交所有地址工作. 所有工作请求必须由项目协调员或负责该工作的人提交.
Helpful Links

所有材料必须在中午之前通过邮件服务收到,并于当天送达麻省理工学院. Please allow an additional 24 hours to process all jobs.

  • Size requirements: at least 3" x 5" up to 13" x 15-1/2"
  • 厚度:不大于1.25" thick
  • 重量不超过16盎司.
  • Matte or Dull paper finish: If glossy or coated paper is used, the address block must be masked (in print terminology, 这被称为击倒)
  • Please remember that field names must be identified with headers. 如果正在使用多个文件, 格式和字段在提交的文件中必须是相同和通用的. 校园邮件、五学院邮件和国际邮件必须在单独的栏目中.
  • Please remember that for mail to countries outside the United States, the country name must be spelled out on the spreadsheet.

澳门葡京博彩软件的标志与澳门葡京博彩软件在阿默斯特邮局的许可证有关. 在制作新出版物和邮件时,请使用此标记,并在材料上预印该标记.

Please note:
  1. 该标志需要驻留在右上角的地址面板
  2. 最小字体大小为8号
  3. 指示可以是任何颜色,但密度必须达到80%或更高

Mail Services用来验证地址或地址移动的软件叫做Satori. The Satori software identifies new addresses of recent moves, 并通过添加诸如公寓号码之类的缺失信息来帮助纠正不准确的地址. This helps cut down on the number of undeliverable mail pieces.

The new USPS® Move Update Standard took effect on November 23, 2008. In a continuing effort to reduce undeliverable as addressed (UAA) mail, 寄件人现在必须证明他们已在95天内(正式日期为185天)更新了邮寄名单,现在适用于所有标准邮件和一级邮件.


Please submit an Excel spreadsheet in the format below. 地址格式(PDF档案) 邮件服务将通过Satori软件运行这些地址,并将包含信息的Excel电子表格返回给您,以帮助纠正Satori软件发现的问题.


For packages that require a customs order form, please submit the 适当填妥的海关表格 if required.

  • 4磅以下的包裹请填写表格2976
  • For packages four pounds or over, use form 2976-A


Campus Center

100 Elm Street

北安普顿,MA 01063